The Jordan Thomas Foundation and Jordan himself have helped many children with missing limbs who would have otherwise been forced to suffer. These are the children whose lives are forever changed because of Jordan Thomas and his foundation:

Alaina was a two-year old girl in a town near Chattanooga, Tennessee when she was the victim of a farming accident. Both of her legs were lost, one above the knee, the other below. Her family was unable to pay for a pair of new prosthetic legs when she outgrew her old one and had trouble managing the medical expenses that accumulated from her weeks in Thompson’s Children’s Hospital. The Jordan Thomas Foundation was able to provide financial aid to her family and donate to her a new pair of prosthetic legs.
Noah is a six-year old boy in Evensville, Tennessee. He was born with a congenital heart defect. During his recovery from his first open-heart surgery at the age of three weeks, there were complications that stopped the blood flow to his right leg. Thus, it was amputated at the knee. His life was quite sad and tragic, as he could not play with the other children nor do any of the normal activities that they could do. His family could only afford wooden prosthetic legs without bendable knees. The Jordan Thomas Foundation stepped in and got Noah bendable knees and feet with a split toe for his prosthetics. Life is now much easier for Noah and he is much less challenged than he had been in the past.

Daniel is an eleven-year old boy who lost his left arm below the elbow in a motorcycle accident. The Jordan Thomas Foundation, in collaboration with the Fillauer Corporation, donated a myo-electric prosthetic arm. The special prosthetic arm allows him to move his hand with his own thoughts, as the myo-electric arm recognizes electric signals from his brain.

Samantha is a six-year old girl from China who was adopted by a family in northern Georgia. She was a very active girl and needed a new prosthetic to replace her old one. Both of her parents had lost their jobs and, as usual, the insurance company barely covered any of the costs of a prosthetic limb. The Jordan Thomas Foundation was able to provide her with a new prosthetic leg.

Ruby is a girl from Honduras who was very badly burned during a fire when she was young. One of her hands and one of her legs were badly damaged, the leg being a loss. She came to the U.S. when doctors saw the amount of medical attention she required. The Jordan Thomas Foundation was able to get her a prosthetic leg and she can now walk without any assistance. She has since returned to Honduras and her family.