How to Help
The Jordan Thomas Foundation is a non-profit foundation, 501(c)3, that accepts donations to directly help children receive the prostheses that they need to lead normal, active, and healthy lives. 100% of gifts go to benefit children. The foundation estimates that it will need $100,000-$120,000 for each recipient to provide them with prostheses through age 18.
The foundation also sells bracelets to raise money for children recovering from traumatic injury. The bracelets are $5.00 each with a $2.50 shipping charge per order. Please send a note with your contribution data, stating that you are ordering a certain number of bracelets.
The bracelets are imprinted with the phrase “Press On JT.” This slogan came from Larry Coker, the Head football coach at the University of Miami. Coach Coker visited Jordan when he was in the hospital at the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital, and he encouraged him to “Press On.”

How to Get Help
The Jordan Thomas foundation provides limbs to children up to the age of 16. They also have a one time program for persons from age 16-25. If you would like to see about applying you will need to contact the Foundation Directly at their address:
P.O. Box 22764 Chattanooga, TN 37422