Rigoberta continues her work for peace today. In the 21st century, at a time when there is so much conflict worldwide, Rigoberta continues her struggle for peace and rectitude in Guatemala and beyond. She has worked passionately through her Foundation, the Rigoberta Menchú Foundation, to press charges against soldiers who committed murder in the Xaman Massacre. In a surprise attack, these soldiers brutally killed eleven people and wounded twenty seven others at a celebration of the return of Guatemalan refugees on October 5, 1995. This atrocity served as a reminder of where the Guatemalans stand now in their fight for justice, and how far they still have to go. In recent past, Menchú has been in the News, shedding light over the harsh living conditions and unruly treatment that the native Guatemalans have endured. She’s also been questioned about her autobiography, as critics inquire the amount of accuracy she's written.
Recognizing that there is strength in numbers, Menchú decided to organize a system to advocate against abusive treatment in Guatemala. Thus, The Rigoberta Menchú Foundation was founded in 1992. Benefiting from their economic resources, the people in the Foundation have been able to promote human rights and bring awareness to the problems in the indigenous villages in Guatemala. Their ultimate mission is to help bring about world peace. They plan to do this through celebration of political and cultural diversity. Their vision is to uphold the beliefs symbolized in the Noble Peace Prize. For Menchú, this award is a benchmark for how people should be treated, and how they should treat others. According to Ms. Menchú, “This Nobel Prize represents a standard bearer that encourages us to continue denouncing the violation of Human Rights, committed against the people in Guatemala, in America and in the world, and to perform a positive role in respect of the pressing task in my country, which is to achieve peace with social justice.” We can consider winning this award an honor, and strives to continue proving herself worthy of the honor.
They seek to build peace at an international level by having respect and dignity for all cultures. Their symbol stands for the patterns of time, as they relate to Mayan culture.
The Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation (FRMT)
The primary goal of this reknowned institution is world peace. Its main focus is the indigenous people of Guatemala, whom they aid through various educational programs and community development projects. It was established in 1992 in honor of Rigoberta Menchu. This Foundation has also made its mission to promote democracy in Guatemala, as seen in 1994, when its members created the National Campaign of Citizen Participation. It has also helped the vicitims of genocide during internal Guatemalan conflicts in 1995. FRMT has been a driving force of improvement in the lives of many indigenous Mayan people in Guatemala, and it carries on Menchu's own legacy as it looks toward the future.
The following is the Code of Ethics for Peace from the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation:
The Code of Ethics for Peace:
There is no peace without justice,
There is no justice without equality,
There is no equality without development,
There is no development without democracy,
There is no democracy without respect for the identity and dignity of all cultures and people.
To visit the site of the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation, please click here.