Tomsk: Siberia, Russia

A Russian doctor examines a TB patient. |
Partners In Health Russia
In 1998, Partners in Health teamed up with the Russian Ministry of Health to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis, which had been spreading and infecting inmates in Russian prisons. In 2004, PIH received a $ 10.8 million grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, which was subsequently used to train medical personnel and to improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis so that it might be treated earlier.
PIH has trained 215 medical professionals throughout three-quarters of Russia, and has plans to expand their trainings to the entire Russian Federation. In addition to trainings in Russia, PIH also has an exchange program with the Harvard School of Public Health, which brings Russian physicans to study at the institution.
680 multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients are currently enrolled in programs in Russia. Many are being treated for other diseases as well. Of all the patients enrolled, 72% have been completely cured of their affliction. A new system called the "Sputnik Program" has recently been put into practice in order to bring the system of community health care - which has worked so well in Haiti and Peru - to Russia.