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Paul Farmer with a group of children in Haiti. |
"Beyond mountains there are mountains"
-Haitian proverb
Although Partners In Health has worked hard to promote global health and to advocate for human rights, there are mountains beyond the mountains that they have already climbed. It is often difficult to find ways to help, when the situations that others are enduring are so far removed from your own. Here, you can find resources and links, as well as ways you can help. There are many ways to help Partners In Health; the most common is to donate money to their cause. Many people do not know about the health crisis around the world, so you can educate them using information you acquired from this site. If more people know, support for PIH will grow, and they will receive more funding in order to continue expansion to other parts of the world. You can also attend events held by PIH to learn more about their projects, and to hear their stories from 7 different countries around the world. Finally, if you have the time, you can volunteer for PIH. However, in order to provide the best possible care in the most efficient manner, Partners In Health looks for volunteers with the best credentials, so be prepared to work within your area of expertise.
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