The Geneva Accord
Introduced to the international community in October of 2003, the Geneva
Accord is a final-status agreement that discusses several major issues
with regard to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. It is based
on the Clinton Plan presented at the Camp
David summit in 2000. Issues that the accord hopes to deal with
include right of return, evacuation of Israeli
settlements and abandonment of Israel’s control over the Temple
Mount. According to the code, the control of the Wailing
Wall, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, and Mt. Scopus and the Mount
of Olives would go to Israel, while the Temple Mount would be controlled
by Muslim authorities.
Though still unofficial, the accord would be implemented by an international
committee, to ensure that everything was carried out as outlined in
the accord. Though some have hope for the accord as possible solution,
Hanan Ashrawi sees it merely as a starting point. In her view, the accord
itself is not a solution, merely an incentive for further talks, showing
that on both sides of the conflict people exist who are willing to work
for peace and acknowledge the wishes and concerns of others. She is
concerned by the way the accord deals with the return of Palestinian
refugees. Dr. Ashrawi feels that the Geneva accord deals with this merely
as a question of demographics and not one of human interest.

'However, the right of return is not the major issue that concerns
those who oppose the Geneva accord. The accord states that the Muslim
authorities will have control of the Temple Mount. Many conservative
Israelis are upset by this and are afraid that the accord is a one-way
deal, which puts Israel in a position to give up important areas and
settlements, without receiving anything in return. A group of 250 right-wing
rabbis have condemned as traitors the creators of the accord, namely
Yossi Belin and Yasser Abed Rabbo. They are strongly against giving
up control of holy places in Jerusalem and allowing Muslim authorities
to have control of the Temple Mount.