Right of Return
The right of return has been a core issue during peace talks between
the Israelis and Palestinians. It involves the right of Palestinian
refugees from the Independence War of 1948
and their descendants to return to Israel proper. Hanan Ashrawi firmly
believes in the necessity of this provision in any agreement to which
the two sides may eventually settle; however, many disagree with her.
The group Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, stresses
the need for the thousands of refugees to be allowed to return to Israel
proper and be compensated as mandated by international laws concerning
refugees. Dr. Ashrawi shares a similar view to Al-Awda and firmly maintains
that Israel should not be exempt from international law concerning refugee
rights. She says that no peace process can be made when the state skirts
issues concerning the refugees, and expresses outrage at the Israeli
policy that all Jews can come into the state but the exiled Palestinians
cannot. She speaks strongly against the distortion of history by many
Israelis, particularly the denial of the destruction of multiple Palestinian
villages in Israel.

Many Israelis believe that allowing the right of return
could be the end of Israel, making the Jews the minority in a Muslim society,
similar to Israel's position as a small Jewish state amongst many Arab
nations. This sentiment is shown by a renowned Israeli peace activist,
Amos Oz.
However, Jerome M. Segal, a Doctor of Philosophy and Public Policy
at the University of Maryland and co-author of Negotiation Jerusalem,
disagrees with Oz’s sentiment and that of a group of other left-wing
Israeli peace activists. He explains that recognizing the existence
of the Palestinian refugees and offering options other than return to
Israel to them is a more sensible and more desirable course for all
involved, so that only a small portion would actually choose to return.