Many people who were against integration and desegregation made various arguments to
show their discontent. They argued that black students who attend white schools would live a life without friends in school and would most likely live a life of fear and abuse. According to them, forcing whites to go to school with blacks would not make white people like the blacks but rather create even more animosity between both races. These people argued that the integration decision would have a great psychological blow to them and their children. They believed that God designated certain attributes to certain races so that the races may remain distinct and separate. The people against desegregation also argued that this decision irritated many people and made people believe that a few people unduly assumed powers that were not designated to them by law. They believed that the integration decision did not follow the democratic process because it deprived individuals of the basic liberty and freedom of association and was not decided by the people. They insisted that this was a decision made by a few men in Washington, D.C. Because of this belief, they view the democratic government as corrupt. To them, this decision deprived citizens of the right of freedom of choosing his/her own associates and companions. Thus, they wanted to reverse this decision while they still could.