Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom, 1968
Published by W.W.Norton in the United States and by Andr? Deutsch in the United Kingdom. Written in 1968, this celebrated essay became the manifesto of the fledging human rights movement in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Sakharov Speaks, 1974
Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf (ISBN 0-394-71302-8). Collection of Andrei Sakharov's essays, statements and appeals.
My Country and the World, 1975 Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf(ISBN 0-394-72067-9). A critical analysis of the Soviet Union's domestic and foreign policies, and proposals for democratic reforms.
Trevoga i Nadezhda (Alarm and Hope), in Russian, 1978
Published by Kronika Press (part of Chekhov Publishing Corporation)(ISBN 0-394-72743-7). Collection of Sakharov's public statements edited by Efrem Yankelevich and Edward Kline.
Alarm and Hope, 1979
Published by Alfred A. Knopf(ISBN 0-394-72743-7). Collection of Sakharov's public statements edited by Efrem Yankelevich and Edward Kline. Translated by Alfred Friendly.
On Sakharov, 1982
Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf(ISBN 0-394-72743-7). This Festschrift, containing articles by and about Sakharov, was edited by Alexander Babyonyshev for Sakharov's 60th birthday.
Collected Scientific Works, 1982
Published in the United States by Marcel Dekker (ISBN 0-8247-1714-7). This book, edited by D. Ter Haar, David Chudnovsky, and Gregory Chudnovsky, contains 24 of Sakharov's scientific papers from 1947 through 1980, plus commentary by Sakharov himself and by Western physicists.
Andrei Sakharov and Peace, 1985
Published in the United States by Avon Books. Anthology of articles by and about Andrei Sakharov, edited by Edward Lozansky.
Memoirs, 1990
Published in the United States by Chekhov Publishing Corporation in Russian (Vospominaniya, LOC Catalog Number 90-80742) and by Alfred A. Knopf in English (ISBN 0-394-53740-8). Written while Sakharov was in exile in Gorky, this book tells of the life of Andrei Sakharov up to his return from exile in December 1986. The Bibliography, Glossary, and Index included in the Memoirs is a useful reference tool on Sakharov and the Russian human rights movement.
Moscow and Beyond (1986-1989), 1990
Published in the United States by Chekhov Publishing Corporation in Russian (Gorky, Moskva, dalee vezde, LOC Catalog Number 90-81603) and by Alfred A. Knopf in English (ISBN 0-394-58797-9). This book is a continuation of the Memoirs. It tells about crucial years of transformation of Soviet society.
Pro i Contra, in Russian, 1991 Published in Moscow by PIK. Anthology of articles by and about Andrei Sakharov.
Scientific Works, 1995 (In Russian, Nauchnie Trudi) Published in Russia by CentrKom (ISBN 5-87129-004-3). Practically complete collection of Sakharov's scientific works.
Alone Together, 1986 Published in Russian by Editions de la Presse Libre (Paris, 1988, Postscriptum) and by Alfred A. Knopf in English (ISBN 0-394-55835-9). A book about the years spent in Gorky exile with Andrei Sakharov.
Mothers and Daughters, 1992 Published in the United States by Chekhov Publishing Corporation in Russian (Dochki-materi, LOC Catalog Number 90-85482) and by Alfred A. Knopf in English (ISBN 0-394-58797-9). A memoir of Elena Bonner's childhood in Stalin's Russia. Also published in Russia by Progress Group in 1994 (in the United States it is available from Kamkin Bookstrore, kamkin@igc.apc.org).