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Resources: Database Nationalism

GULAM HUSSEIN, a 20-year-old Afghan with a bushy brush cut, hates Greece. He’d leave if he could—even if that meant returning to the imperiled village in eastern Afghanistan that he fled a decade ago. “Anywhere but Greece,” he told me one afternoon late this summer in Athens. “I’d heard it was bad here, but I didn’t know how bad.” About a week before we met, Hussein had gone searching for scrap metal in a central Athens neighborhood near Attica Square. Collecting scrap is a hand-to-mouth job; it pays only a few euros a day. But with his poor Greek language »

The Games Began. Hearts Swelled. By EDWARD WONG BEIJING — The flags were everywhere when I returned home. I had been reporting in the western desert right before the start of the Olympic Games, and in the 48 hours I had been gone, my gray alleyway in Beijing had been splashed with the bright red of dozens of Chinese flags. The neighborhood committee had decreed that in the spirit of the Olympics, every household should hang up a flag. It had even installed a small metal flagpole stand on the wall beside every door. There were grand flags and faded »

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9/11 and its aftermath (11)
activism (2)
affirmative action (2)
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anti-Muslim (9)
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Armenian genocide (9)
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Bystanders (15)
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immigration (1)
intervention (3)
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propaganda in the Nazi era (3)
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race relations in Boston (6)
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red vs. blue state divide (1)
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slavery (2)
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Sudanese genocide (19)
torture (2)
treatment of Roma and Sinti (2)
Ukranian famine (1)
United Nations (3)
War and Violence (7)
War in Iraq (8)
World War I (7)
World War II in Asia (5)
xenophobia (4)
Yugoslav genocide (6)