The Seevak Website Competition: 2009



Founded in 1999, MassVOTE began as a non-partisan voting rights organization. Its goal is to increase voter education and voter turnout across Massachusetts. MassVOTE works to eliminate barriers and encourage voting, especially among communities of color, language minorities, low income communities, youth, new American citizens, and the disabled.

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Meet the Team

Meet Camlinh Meet Lisa Meet Rozelle

Meet Camlinh

Camlinh is almost 17 and loves to stare and make pretty clothes. Her warehouse of fabrics is outgrowing the walking space in her room. She enjoys dressing up people - (mainly girls) in pretty frills, and has an undying fetish of victorian lace and socks. All her pretty clothes have names like (MAJIKARUETOWARU). Camlinh is pursuing multiple careers but mainly wants to be a cultural anthropologist to uncover the international fashion subculture.

Meet Lisa

Lisa Wang is a junior at BLS who is an avid reader and writer of sorts. Among her extra curricular activities (i.e. her life outside of the Seevak competition) are the BLS Speech Team, BLS Science Olympiad Team, The Register, etc. She is very excited about this year's Seevak project because she feels especially connected to the project.

Meet Roselle