Huang //
Huang is a sixteen-year-old junior
at Boston Latin School. He is involved
in the boy's volleyballl team at
school. He also is the executive
producer of BLS TV, co-President
of the Chinese Chess Club. Pei also
loves playing computer games and
chatting online. He was inspired
to do this Seevak project because
he felt it would be a good bonding
experience and a lot of fun.
Ana Leary //
Louise Leary is a seventeen-year-old
junior at BLS who works at the Center
for Young Women’s Health at
Children’s Hospital, is a
member of the Children’s Hospital
Teen Advisory Board, a former player
of JP Youth Soccer, Treasurer of
French Club, former member of Amnesty
International, piano player, and
a Soprano of BLS Concert Choir.
In her free time, Ana likes to hang
out with her friends and family.
She thought this Seevak project
would be a great learning experience
and a fun way to spend her weekends.
Yee //
Yee is a sixteen-year-old junior
at Boston Latin and a five-year
veteran of the Wolfpack track and
field team. Jonathan has formerly
volunteered at the Emergency Room
at Boston Medical Center, a Digestive
Disorders Unit, and at Long Island
Homeless Shelter. In his free time,
his activities include planning
Fahd’s class-president campaign,
and spreading funkiness to everyone
he meets. Jonathan felt the Seevak
competition was a great way to honor
a man he feels deserves the highest