The progress made registering Blacks to vote was fruitless without giving the new voters someone to vote for. This is what caused the formation of the . The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party was organized under the guidance of Bob Moses and to provide real political sway for the people who had worked so hard registering voters. In August of 1964, the MFDP met and elected 68 delegates. MFDP encouraged over 80,000 African-Americans to take to the polls. This showed the White Citizens Council and other supremacists that the Black people of Mississippi were no longer satisfied to be intimidated, subdued, and impoverished.

The people began to form what Moses calls a minimum of common conceptual cohesion, a general consensus on the goal of the Movement. The idea of "one person, one vote" swept throughout the state, and the people were able to unite under one goal and means. The idea of "one person, one vote" empowered those who grasped it, and the Movement for political equality in the South was well underway. Moses was most impressed and excited about the progress that the Movement was making allowing Black people to challenge themselves. He felt that one of the most important outcomes of the MFDP was that not only the political system at hand was being challenged, but Blacks were challenging themselves with questions and concerns. At MFDP meetings, Blacks were able to learn to voice their opinions and needs, while emphasizing on one another the importance of and responsibility to do so. In Moses' opinion, this was the change that was truly revolutionary and integral to making the Movement work.

See what the "one person one vote" means in the context of The Algebra Project