Researching Robert Coles certainly reflected and reinforced Kerry Greene's love for and experiences in working with children. Spending the summer before she heads off to Boston University as a nanny for several different families, Kerry is considering eventually developing her work with
children into a career and becoming a child psychiatrist. In the meantime however, she hopes to take advantage of everything college has to offer, "I want to get as many experiences as possible, get involved in many different things. College is one of those times when it's definitely good to do as much as you can." Kerry feels that her experiences creating the website constituted another "one of those times." She is thrilled to have had the opportunity to learn about creating a web site- "enough little random things" to actually
teach someone else; and she takes a great deal of pride in everything she and her partner (who happens to be her cousin) accomplished in creating the project- and in the fact that she wouldn't hesitate to undertake another project like this one in the future. She definitely now has a great deal of respect for those who design websites- more goes into it than she had ever expected. Speaking about how studying Robert Coles affected her, she became increasingly more interested while doing the project (and still is), in learning as much as she can about him and his work, "I have a great deal of respect for his work . . . I'm going to end up looking into it on my own . . . He was an incredible man; all the progress he made working with children . . . how he could sit down with them and have them paint or draw a picture and really go from there," to discover things about the children and how they thought about the world through looking at what they did. "I find myself taking normal things like how a child would tell a story or draw a picture more with a psychiatrist's view . . . you can really tell a lot about a child through their paintings and their words and their actions . . . I like giving advise and learning about Robert Coles [showed me] that it's not
just a good job- you can really change a lot how people look at children and institutions and schools; anyone who can do that with people . . . he's really helped me."