REGGIE LEWIS PEER LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The Reggie Lewis Peer Leadership Program is a program about positive young people going out into the community and educating other young people on STDs, HIV/AIDS, Homophobia,Tobacco, Birth Control, and Violence Prevention. The Program is operated out of Dimock Community Health Center's Teen Center. The Program's mission is to bring youths to the Teen Center to become positive young adults through healthy lifestyles and educational workshops.
The Reggie Lewis Peer Leadership Program also sponsors a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament that takes place in nearby Marcella Park, where participants play basketball on opposing teams. This activity promotes team work and overall unity not only in the Peer Program but also in the neighboring community of Roxbury. The Peer Leaders participate in theatre at Dimock and put on at least two major productions annually. Teen Night at Dimock, usually on Friday nights, allow the teens in the community to come together and discuss prevalent issues, watch movies, and spend time together, and out of trouble. The Reggie Lewis Peer Program has come a long way since it's inception in 1989. It began as an in house or program for kids to learn about HIV/AIDS and other educational and preventive means. But bow the program has expanded to putting on theatre productions, and sponsoring community events. The range if topics covered in the program has also expanded to tobacco, substance abuse, and homophobia. The Program has also been able to attract more youth along the way, ten years ago the center brought in about 800 youths annually, now the center is bringing in about 5,000.