Ian Marlier felt that being involved with the Seevak FHAO Awards competition enabled him to put to good use and to further develop his computer and html-programming skills. He now provides technical assistance for other students at the University of Chicago. Ian is spending part of his summer working for an internet content firm. His other fields of interest include economics and philosophy, his declared major. His project on Margaret Sanger speaks to these interests. He sees his participation in the project as, "extremely valuable . . . all the research that went into it [was] exceptionally useful in school." Margaret Sanger is "not someone I would have run across in day-to-day academic studies or day-to-day life. Here's a person who did something, and that's kind of neat . . . [she was] one of the first people to fight for women and for birth control . . . that's certainly something that has [had] an immense effect today."